About Us

The Australian Guardianship and Administration Council (AGAC) was established in 1993 as an outcome of the second National Conference on Guardianship and Administration.

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AGAC is registered as a company limited by guarantee (ABN 59619104906) and as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC).

AGAC represents State and Territory government agencies that have a role in protecting adults in Australia who have a decision-making disability that impairs their capacity to make personal or financial decisions. Membership includes –

  • Public Guardians
  • Public Trustees
  • Public Advocates
  • Guardianship Tribunals.

Public Advocates and Public Guardians, whether as advocates, investigators or guardians, seek to promote the interests of persons with a decision-making disability and to protect them from abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Public and State Trustees may be appointed to manage a person's financial and legal affairs.

A Public Guardian/Advocate and a Public Trustee may do this by a person appointing them as attorney under an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) or by order of a Board or Tribunal. Boards or Tribunals may appoint a Guardian or an Administrator/Manager in respect of a person. A Board or Tribunal may appoint an individual as a person’s guardian/administrator, or they may appoint a Public Guardian/Public Advocate as a person’s Guardian and a Public Trustee as a person’s administrator.

When appointed by a Board or Tribunal, guardians and administrators are subject to the oversight of the Board/Tribunal.

Our aims

AGAC aims to advance the common goals of its members by –

Our functions

AGAC’s functions and activities include –

Our achievements

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Member organisations

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia